Our Christmas Season

In an ideal world all the presents would be under the tree by now, wrapped perfectly, all of my goody plates for my neighbors would be made up and delivered and Christmas dinner would be planned out.  Ya, none of that is done.

But do you know what? I still feel it’s still been a successful Christmas Season.

We went to the Mesa Temple to see the amazing Christmas display.  We’ve driven around different aisles (streets 🙂 My son calls them aisles, hehe) looking at Christmas lights. We’ve gone caroling to spread Christmas cheer twice! I’ve taught my 2 year old about the importance of giving to others who don’t have what we do and he was SO excited to find someone ringing a bell, wearing a santa hat, so he could put his quarters into the red bucket to help other people. My son knows that at Christmas time we celebrate the birth of our Savior. He knows about Christ’s life and his sacrifice for us and he knows that Jesus lives and loves him. We’ve been the recipients of random acts of kindness and generous gifts that have warmed our hearts and brought tears to our eyes.  For the first time in 2 years, my entire family was in the same room laughing and catching up and even crying with joy.  It has been a season full of blessings and Thanksgiving.

And we wish you the same. A Christmas filled with love and joy, service and generosity, family and friends, and the Spirit of Christ.   Merry Christmas!!!

Family Christmas